

I have a new hole where nothing used to be. An absence formed from the vacuum it replaced. It lurked in the shadows inside my head. Out of sight, out of mind, out of control. Unremarkable, perhaps, but ineluctable. Now it is manifest, here in the waking world. I shrink from it, as it yawns […]


The Truth About “The Truth About Climate Change”

This book is published by people who are experts in calling BS on everything they hear liberals say, and in not much else. The BS they are referring to is the consensus of thousands of professional scientists with decades of research on data sets spanning time periods from decades to millennia. I posted the first […]


Evolution without accidents

Despite advances in molecular genetics, too many biologists think that natural selection is driven by random mutations. What we know is finite, what we don’t will always be infinite. Me, just now. I never liked the idea of “junk DNA.” It always seemed lazy at best, and just arrogant to assert that since it […]


Elementary, my dear Pauli…

Quantum computing, Bose-Einstein condensates, and other cool stuff I just learned… My friend and muse, Naomi, sent me this article: Is the black hole at our galaxy’s centre a quantum computer? Well, that’s the clickbait title, that actual title of the article was: “Black-hole computing – Might nature’s bottomless pits actually be ultra-efficient quantum […]


A Critique of “The God Hypothesis”

God the Tinker. To a carpenter, everything looks like a hammer. Robin Collins, in his article “God, Design and Fine-Tuning,“ presents the observation that our physical universe is perfectly endowed with precisely those properties which allow life as we know it to exist. He then attempts to prove by means of logic, evidence and analogy […]


Sufficiently Weird

“I” before “E” Except after “C” And when sounding like “A,” as in “Neighbor” or “Weigh” … Unless it’s Sufficiently Weird…